As someone who has experienced identity theft, I know this is a particularly important topic for people.
Many people have taken to social media to post their COVID-19 vaccination card. It may surprise you to know that by sharing that information it can cause you to be a victim of identity theft.
Identify theft is REAL and trust me this is not a club you want to be a member of.
I found 2 articles you might find interesting.
In her Market Watch article “It’s not just about what’s on that card: Don’t post your COVID-19 vaccination card on social media — here’s why” author Meera Jagannathan highlights Social Media is no place for showcasing your COVID-19 vaccination cards.
On your card is pieces of personal information that can used by identity thieves to open new accounts in your name. Once they piece all the info together, they can use the information to open new accounts in your name. Identity thieves can also claim your tax refund for themselves and engage in other identity theft.
Link to article and author:
In another recent article. Survey: The Impact of COVID-19 on Fraud and Identity Theft
Stefan Lembo-Stolba - Data Research Insight Analyst, made some great points about identity theft.
He highlights if you are interested in identity theft protection it’s important to stay on top of what is in your credit report. Sign up for free credit monitoring through the credit bureaus. Check your reports and scores every 30 days.
Based on both articles and my experience, I have come up with three best practices for safeguarding your identity.
Be extra vigilant - When receiving emails, calls or letters. First, make sure to be extra vigilant of anyone asking for personal information in the coming months and avoid clicking on any suspicious links or attachments. Also, shred all receipts and statements.
Stop posting your vaccination card online - A good alternative to posting your card online is simply a photo of you flashing a thumbs up, informing your friends or followers that you got the vaccine.
Think twice before sharing online - Avoid TMI (Too much information) moments! Your entire life does not need to be shared on-line. Any time you post personal information about yourself, you elevate your risk.
It’s ok to be social online but be mindful of what you post; and don’t overshare personal information. Identity theft can ruin you financially, destroy your credit and reputation for years to come.
About the Author:
My name is Necie Edwards, and I am a participant in the Coursera and Northwestern social marketing program. I am a Fibromyalgia Patient Navigator and have 12 years’ experience managing it.
Follow me on Twitter: @ NecieEdwards